Resources overview¶
This section is under review
This section currently mirrors the content of the awesome-transit list, please be aware that some external links might be outdated. To provide feedback on the contents of this list, please open an issue or pull request in the awesome-transit repository. A reviewed version of this section will be released in the future.
Community list of transit APIs, apps, datasets, research, and software 

Have something to add or change? Open a pull request or issue at MobilityData/awesome-transit.
Table of Contents¶
- Getting started
- Community
- Data
- Software for Creating APIs
- Agency Tools
- Hardware
- Apps
- SDKs
- Visualizations
- GTFS Realtime
- Other Multimodal Data Formats
- Other Resources
Originally created by Luqmaan Dawoodjee, now maintained by the Center for Urban Transportation Research at the University of South Florida.
This list is intended as a community resource for informational use only - listing of a project/product does not imply endorsement.
To the extent possible under law, Luqmaan Dawoodjee and the Center for Urban Transportation Research at the University of South Florida have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.