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Migration duplicated

Migration Guide - Transition from ADDED to DUPLICATED trips

The GTFS-realtime trip.schedule_relationship of DUPLICATED represents a new trip that is the same as an existing scheduled trip except for service start date and time.

This migration guide defines how existing producers and consumers that were using the ADDED enumeration to represent duplicated trips should transition to the DUPLICATED enumeration. The goal is to minimize disruption to producers and consumers during the transition.

If you are a producer or consumer that has not used the ADDED enumeration to describe duplicated trips, no action is required - you can produce/consume DUPLICATED trips without producing/consuming any ADDED entities.

For a full history of the DUPLICATED enumeration, see the DUPLICATED proposal on GitHub.

Using ADDED and DUPLICATED entities in same feed


If you are a producer who has been using the ADDED enumeration for duplicated trips, to avoid disruption to existing consumers it is recommended that you continue to produce ADDED entities for these trips but also add DUPLICATED entities for the same trip.

However, to prevent consumers from accidentally adding the same trip twice, the entities referencing the same trip must be linked using the same trip_id. You can link the two entities in one of two ways:

  1. trip.trip_id of both entities must be the same, OR
  2. trip.trip_id of the ADDED trip must be the same as the DUPLICATED trip trip_properties.trip_id

Here's an example of the first option (1) to duplicate GTFS trip_id 1, with the trip.trip_id matching in the ADDED and DUPLICATED entities:

entity {
  id: "ei0"
  trip_update {
    trip: {
      trip_id: "1" // <-- trip_id from static GTFS to copy
      schedule_relationship: ADDED
      start_date: "20200821" // <-- New trip date
      start_time: "11:30:00" // <-- New trip time
    stop_time_update {

entity {
  id: "ei10"
  trip_update {
    trip: {
      trip_id: "1" // <-- trip_id from static GTFS to copy
      schedule_relationship: DUPLICATED
    trip_properties {
      trip_id: "NewTripId987" // <-- New trip_id unique to this trip
      start_date: "20200821"  // <-- New trip date
      start_time: "11:30:00"  // <-- New trip time
    stop_time_update {

Here's an example of the second option (2) to duplicate GTFS trip_id 1, with the trip.trip_id of the ADDED trip matching the DUPLICATED trip trip_properties.trip_id:

entity {
  id: "ei0"
  trip_update {
    trip: {
      trip_id: "NewTripId987" // <-- New trip_id unique to this trip
      schedule_relationship: ADDED
      start_date: "20200821" // <-- New trip date
      start_time: "11:30:00" // <-- New trip time
    stop_time_update {

entity {
  id: "ei10"
  trip_update {
    trip: {
      trip_id: "1" // <-- trip_id from static GTFS to copy
      schedule_relationship: DUPLICATED
    trip_properties {
      trip_id: "NewTripId987" // <-- Matches the ADDED trip.trip_id
      start_date: "20200821"  // <-- New trip date
      start_time: "11:30:00"  // <-- New trip time
    stop_time_update {

It is suggested that you notify existing consumers (e.g., via a developer mailing list) that the use of ADDED for duplicated trips is being deprecated by a set deadline and that consumers should start consuming the DUPLICATED trips instead. The above strategy being used to match ADDED and DUPLICATED trip entities should also be mentioned and a link to this migration guide should be included. After the deadline passes, you can remove the ADDED entities from your feed and publish only the DUPLICATED entities for duplicated trips.


As mentioned above, producers will transition from ADDED to DUPLICATED enumerations by initially publishing two entities for each duplicated trip, using one of the two above options for matching IDs between the entities.

Therefore, when a consumer implements support for DUPLICATED trips, it is important that consumers:

  1. Ignore any ADDED trips that have the same trip.trip_id as a DUPLICATED trip trip.trip_id
  2. Ignore any ADDED trips that have the same trip.trip_id as a DUPLICATED trip trip_properties.trip_id