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The GTFS Digest has been released

GTFS Contributors, It’s finally here! 🎉

Following extensive community outreach and the recent MobilityData workshops in Valencia and New York, we've heeded your advice and proudly present the GTFS Digest. The Digest is a part of Phase 1 of Modifications to the GTFS Governance: Phasing Plan #413. We hope it will help reduce the barriers to entry for new and returning GTFS contributors by keeping them up to speed.

The Digest will be released monthly and will include the following information:

  • Contributor Shoutouts: Highlighting great Contributions
  • Recently Adopted : Information about recently adopted fields in the last month
  • Currently Voting: Pull Requests currently being voted on with a quick description, and voting end date.
  • Active Pull Requests on GitHub : Short description of pull request with summary of main points/decisions
  • Most Active Conversations : Highlight top conversations on GitHub and/or Slack
  • Upcoming Events: GTFS Related Events with Date and Sign up links
  • Tool Updates: Highlight GTFS tool updates
  • GTFS relies on community contributions. Please help us capture GTFS developments by sharing your updates for our next digest to:

Tell us your thoughts on the digest's structure and format—your feedback is invaluable as we look to improve it over time.